This Really Happened

I was doing some business at a county building and when I came out, I saw The Sheriff pulling up to the county gas pump to fill up his patrol car — they really did have FJ Cruisers at the time. I pulled up on the other side of the pump, rolled down the window, and called out, “Fill ’er up, and check under the hood!”
He instantly responded, “You can trust your car to the man who wears the star!”
You may be too young to know the reference, but I laughed out loud!

It was April 2013. That Sheriff retired, and the new one is just as cool. (If needed, the Reference.)

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Randy Cassingham is best known as the creator of This is True, the oldest entertainment feature on the Internet: it has been running weekly by email subscription since early 1994. It is social commentary using weird news as its vehicle so it’s fun to read. Click here for a subscribe form — basic subscriptions are free.

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