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What Next?
- Check Out Randy’s Flagship Newsletter! If you’re not already a subscriber to Randy’s groundbreaking weekly newsletter This is True, you definitely want to check it out. It’s been running weekly since 1994(!), and features thought-provoking social commentary using strange-but-true news items as its vehicle so it’s entertaining. Best of all, basic subscriptions are free! See for samples and details.
Randy’s Get Out of Hell Free cards are incredibly popular with his readers. Tired of nosy busybodies telling you what to think and how to believe? The GOOHF card (as Randy calls them) are a great reply! They’re fun as …hell! to give out.
Again, this subscription is for notifications of new posts: we do not email graphics! But do be sure to confirm, or you won’t get the notifications. Check your email and click the link in the confirmation message. Enjoy!