That’s Legal Here

I Freely Admit It:
I’m a Colorado Pothead.

The Colorado Territory became the 38th State of the Union on August 1, 1876 — 141 years ago today. In the state, it’s “Colorado Day”.

The meme is in recognition of Colorado being the first state to legalize marijuana for all three sectors: medicinal (2000), industrial (2013), and recreational (2014). Pot is highly taxed, and millions from that tax income goes to medical research and refurbishing schools. We have not had major increases in people being stoned in public, despite fake news reports to the contrary.

But me? I drink coffee. I’ve never used any form of marijuana.

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Randy Cassingham is best known as the creator of This is True, the oldest entertainment feature on the Internet: it has been running weekly by email subscription since early 1994. It is social commentary using weird news as its vehicle so it’s fun to read. Click here for a subscribe form — basic subscriptions are free.

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