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It’s the 4th of July in the United States …just like everywhere else in the world. Too many Americans just call it “the 4th of July” without thinking of what it’s about. What’s important is that it’s Independence Day, the anniversary of the day in 1776 when our Founding Fathers adopted a “declaration” of our country’s independence from tyranny, from the idea that a single sovereign should have say over citizens. They dared to assert that individuals matter, that each citizen is created equal, and has the “unalienable right” to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness (among other rights). It’s not about a day off, or BBQs, or fireworks. It’s about our independence and freedom — both of which are still under attack every day by those who think they should have the power to dictate how you live your life. So if I may, I’ll urge my fellow Americans to call July 4th Independence Day, rather than “the 4th of July”. The date isn’t the important part, the idea is. —Randy Cassingham
Yes, this is one of my pet peeves. Like my Memorial Day post, this is a reminder of what the day is about. So many take these things for granted, without giving it a thought. My life mission is about provoking thought. So remember what your ancestors went through to make you free.
If you like this message, you’ll probably also particularly appreciate my Independence Day posting from 2020. There are also comedic posts relating to the holiday in 2018 and 2019.
(A re-queue from an earlier year which needs to be seen again.)
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Randy Cassingham is best known as the creator of This is True, the oldest entertainment feature on the Internet: it has been running weekly by email subscription since early 1994. It is social commentary using weird news as its vehicle so it’s fun to read. Click here for a subscribe form — basic subscriptions are free.