Wear a Mask, They Said (#3)
They really should have been more specific. (#3 in a series)
They really should have been more specific. (#3 in a series)
They really should have been more specific. (#2 in a series)
They really should have been more specific. (#1 in a series)
Sometimes I spread the occasions out over the years, because something might have changed.
In some ways, she told me, she was “really impressed” — so why am I still laid off?
Huh, and here I thought “pandemic gambling” meant making a grocery run with home-made PPE.
From True editor Dottie in Missouri. (Yeah, I know the art is old: if it was modern they’d be reading their phone.)
It’s April Fool’s? Believe nothing! Trust no one online! …Just like every other day.
“The good ol’ days” weren’t always that good: we tend to forget the hard parts. Keep looking forward: better days are coming.
I hate autoplay videos. Ironically, newspaper sites are among the worst offenders, but of course TV news sites are pretty bad too.