Just Do It
Well of course they were scared and felt outside their “comfort zone.” They just did it anyway. If your goal doesn’t scare you at least a little, it’s not a big enough goal.
Well of course they were scared and felt outside their “comfort zone.” They just did it anyway. If your goal doesn’t scare you at least a little, it’s not a big enough goal.
Yep: I know how to cook (and bake!), and don’t ask my wife to cater to my particular tastes. I take after …my dad.
Who says men don’t know how to follow directions?
And I’ll bet no one even shares this meme. It’s not very good.
I hate it when he tells me that.
Perspective is everything.
Of course, the “Mute” button would be really helpful too.
#4 of 5. Rob Reiner had to fight off other directors make the film, including Francois Truffaut and Robert Redford. Reiner prevailed thanks in part to financial support from Norman Lear, creator of All in the Family.
#1 of 5. The movie — released this week in 1987 (31 years ago!) — was based William Goldman’s 1973 book. Goldman adapted it into the screenplay himself. This meme is adapted from one I saw online. The four more which follow are original to me.
Reba Nell McEntire (1955- ) is an American singer, songwriter, actress, and record producer.