Of course, the DVMs are partly to blame, supplying endless refills of the drugs the catticts “need” until it’s too late.
Of course, the DVMs are partly to blame, supplying endless refills of the drugs the catticts “need” until it’s too late.
Cat moms and dads can relate.
This is why my newsletter is for READERS. Every Friday evening, only occasional small illustrations.
Men would be well advised to print this one out to put on your loved one’s pillow to find tonight.
He even brought flowers!
There are so many (SO many!) this has applied to in my life.
This concept came to mind at 1:00 a.m. Thursday night, so I grabbed my phone and emailed it to myself to be sure I didn’t forget it.
Especially when you get it on the first try. The simple things in life are so often the best.
I won’t theorize as to the gender of that person, but will say cookies are better when they’re crunchy.
Hey, if you don’t know by now, maybe you should wear the Cone of Shame!