Remember His Nobs
Cribbage Style: Skunk ’em, or even double-skunk ’em — and take all the Muggins you can.
Cribbage Style: Skunk ’em, or even double-skunk ’em — and take all the Muggins you can.
A take-off on a popular meme style: Liam Neeson threatening the kidnapper in Taken. At least most people have figured out the garbage in “clickbait” adlines, and know better than to click them. Right? Right?
I didn’t reply: I just slowly walked out. I later had a problem with The Boss.
The above is the one I originally found, but when I searched for a higher-resolution copy, I found it was actually a take-off on this one: Both are when you realize you’ve gone too far and try to pull out….
Happenstance ≠ cause, but so many want to assign blame, it gets ridiculous. This is why thinking is so useful. (Illustration from NASA — and not the “Rogue” one.) You thought this was going to be something else, didn’t you? 😉
In fact sometimes, it’s really hard to get them away from them …just like kids.
My satirical reaction to advertising that uses the boneheaded logic, “Whoever uses our product, shouldn’t you?”
I created this one in 2015 for my Get Out of Hell Free card site — and made sure my wife saw it. Posting it here is another way to make sure she does it, because I really am serious. This is the first of a two-parter: see next post.
I sense a disturbance in The Force.
My deepest apologies.