Dorothy’s Horrible Realization
Scarecrow, especially, really looks like a modern politician in this shot.
Scarecrow, especially, really looks like a modern politician in this shot.
And what did they DO with the statue once it was knocked off its mighty perch? About half was melted it down to make 42,088 bullets to shoot at….
Ever notice that those who call themselves supremacists are the most stupid, the most uneducated, the least able to THINK people in the country?
Too many forget that the two can’t work without each other.
Seriously: can you argue with the logic?
Especially Delete. And yeah, I clicked the “Obliviots” category on purpose.
“Fire season” is lasting longer these days, and Smokey Bear is getting awfully tired. Be careful out there.
On the bright side, the second term is usually longer.
Today was the day that in 1944 allied troops fought Nazi soldiers on the beaches of Normandy, France. This battle gained us a foothold in Normandy contributing to the end of World War II in Europe. Many lives were lost, but the troops wouldn’t settle for anything less than victory. We call this day, “D-Day.”
“You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.” —Winston Churchill