Alone in My Hideout
And if it’s OK, I’ll leave the door chain on — can you push them through the crack?
And if it’s OK, I’ll leave the door chain on — can you push them through the crack?
Especially when you get it on the first try. The simple things in life are so often the best.
Note: If you call by phone, don’t leave a voicemail since it’s unlikely I’ll ever call you back: after all, I didn’t answer, did I? Start over with #1.
I won’t theorize as to the gender of that person, but will say cookies are better when they’re crunchy.
Sorry, this was sold out within an hour of announcement. Reserve early for next year! (Meanwhile, romantics will have to be content with last year’s more sappy Valentine’s meme.)
“See, that’s exactly the problem with you! You call them ‘strangers’, but they’re my people!”
I’d give anything to my best friend! Well, I’d at least loan it to him, but at a discounted interest rate.
So dude: are you sure you want to continue down that path of escalating lies?
She sure yells a lot too. She’ll say, “Are you listening to me?” and I say “That’s a weird way to start a conversation!” and there she goes again.
Just the holidays? Nope: just a reminder that you should be doing this all the time.