Pandemic Gambling
Huh, and here I thought “pandemic gambling” meant making a grocery run with home-made PPE.
Huh, and here I thought “pandemic gambling” meant making a grocery run with home-made PPE.
#2 of 2 (#1 is here). I like the centaur …and the fact that the alien is hovering just a little bit higher.
#1 of 2 (#2 is here) — and no, I “don’t mean anything funny” with the labels “#1” and “#2”.
Federal regulations protect you from that …if you pay attention.
But of course you’re not on my list! Certainly not. Perish the …uh… thought.
Then Cinderella ran screaming into the night, and was never seen nor heard from ever, ever again. The end. Well, Happy Halloween anyway.
What were you “witnessing” and who were the perpetrators? Don’t make us “good cop/bad cop” you!
You know, when you get down to it, it really is a terribly low bar.
OK, you laughed, but this is how some in the world picture us. My real Independence Day post, from a couple of years ago, can’t be topped.
Brittany, do you know what in hell is an “Uber”?