True Romance
“If by ‘Free Spirits’ you mean an open bar, then yes, I love Free Spirits.”
“If by ‘Free Spirits’ you mean an open bar, then yes, I love Free Spirits.”
Plus, “ET-The Extraterrestrial” would be abbreviated ET-TE.
The matryoshka dolls, also known as Russian nesting dolls, were first made in 1890 by Vasily Zvyozdochkin (1876-1956). The name literally means “little matron,” and is a diminutive form of Russian female given name “Matryona” or “Matriosha.” There was a great matryoshka gag in Waynovision back in 2016.
Stupid me: I’ve been using mine for a doorstop! Thought this would be a good follow-on to Friday’s post. (When choosing categories for this one, I debated about whether to click “Religion” — and while typing this, I decided the answer had to be yes.)
Yeah, I know: you’re at the end of your rope when it comes to terrible puns, so I look forward to seeing the comments thread.
I know not everyone will “get” this one, but those who do will enjoy it. (Hint)
The Mastercard “Priceless” campaign is 20 years old this year.
My deepest apologies.
The business (in Austin, Texas) puts up all sorts of thought-provoking signs.